Thursday 17 June 2010

Chemtrail Piss taking

Anyone who seriously believes that Chemtrailing is just a figment of Paranoid Conspiracy theorist's imagination could do a lot worse than take a look at these photo's I took over North Manchester on Saturday evening.  Can anyone really deny that these patterns were not deliberately created??

Chemtrailing has increased significantly over the last couple of years and We demand to know just what they're up to!!


  1. i know what you're saying mate...lived down south for years, thought it was bad down there...been back here for a month...fook me...we are getting hammered...just seen the night patrol streak over...fancy getting a chembuster going??

  2. I've been seeing chem trails all summer and they're still happening! I saw them this morning and last Saturday when looking through sunglasses I could see a rainbow in the trail. This is scary stuff. Whats going on?

  3. What is the real reason behind chemtrails?
