Friday 1 January 2010

The Beetham Obelisk

This monstrosity, which featured in part 2 of my video series, is a creation which I'm certain is extremely important to the Illuminati.

On a purely aesthetic level this building seems to have no place in the general feel of Manchester's architecture - sticking out like a sore thumb. It can be clearly viewed when entering all the arterial roads into the city, almost as if this was very much part of the plan of the architect -making it the major focal point of Manchester as you enter. Even in darkness, the building is unmissable with its Erie red lights giving it an almost demonic appearance on the Manchester skyline.

The Beecham Obelisk (for that's what it is) has been known to emit a strange noise which has been described by locals as akin to the sound you would expect to hear from an alien spacecraft. Given its striking resemblance to the Monolith in Kubrick's 2001 a Space Odyssey this would appear to have been a feature that was created deliberately - for what purpose I can only hazard a guess.

I've a distinct feeling that this monolith will feature heavily in the near future. Call it a hunch, but I feel this Tower is a 'False Flag' terror attack in the making. Hence its supreme visibility for all to view any subsequent destruction. I Hope I'm proven wrong...

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