Monday, 13 December 2010

Coronation Street Symbolism

Received the following e-mail from a friend of mine from South Manchester.  I don't actually watch much TV and especially not soaps, but this missive from Mise is very interesting and well worth looking into.

Dear Sam

I have been noticing some interesting things with Coronation Street recently. I'm aware that much of you blog deals with symbolism, and I'm aware that quite a bit of this symbolism is Egyptian in origin.

If you watch Coronation St you will notice a large picture of an Egyptian Goddess (not sure which one) in the backroom of the Rovers Returns. This picture is often in the background (close-up) of a lot of the scenes which take place in this room.

I recently passed the entrance gates of Granada Studios in Manchester (makers of Coronation St) and was amazed of the degree of Egyptian and illuminati symbolism on the entrance facade. It's worth getting a few photos on your blog of this. Unfortunately I did not have my camera at the time and was on a sponsored walk so I have no idea what street this is on. The whole entrance looks like the entrance to an Egyptian tomb.

More disturbingly, when watching this weeks 'tram crash' episodes I noticed something very interesting on Monday night (6th December). In the second episode of the night (8:30pm) there are the scenes of gas explosion at the bar under the viaduct. At 18mins 57secs in to this episode (you can probably view on line or on catch-up TV if you have digital) the character Kieran is standing up after been blown to the floor from the explosion. As he stands up, surrounding by flames and rubble, in front of him on a triangle shaped bit of broken wood is a skull with horns on it. The camera pans passed it for a few seconds. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I've double checked a few times on the 'catch-up TV' and it's definitely there. Immediately the mythological figure of Molloch came to mind. This is worth checking out if you can.



  1. The whole atmosphere of Coronation Street has changed since the tram disaster. They even advertised the fact that nothing in the Street would ever be the same again. I just saw the horned thing you write of and what better way to promote an agenda with something that slides into the brain like shit off a shiny shovel.

    A bit of trivia: Kieran is Gaelic for the little dark one. Also the picture on the wall in he back room of the Rovers is Queen Nefertiti (the beauty has come) wife of Akhenaten the Sun worshipping pharaoh of Aten, the sun disc.

  2. I like the cut of your gib friend. Thanks for the info, I'll be pinching this for the video I'm doing about this. Thanks

  3. Hi Sam,
    Thanks for your nice return it was a pleasure to read.

    The poster of Nefertiti which hangs in the Rovers is shown in a complete form to the original 3,400 year old bust of Queen Nefertiti which has had its right eye removed. Possibly the All- Seeing Eye has suddenly gone 20/20 for the cameras.

    In the excellent piece of observation written by Mise he makes mention of the mythological figure of Moloch. If you want a blatant piece of horned imagery check out the Covonia advert on TV and compare it to the image above the 'A Monument to the Ritual murder of children on this page.'

    Thanks again and shall look forward to your next video
    Danny B.

  4. Coronation Street: Becky Sees Tracy Behind The Bar

    An interesting piece of symbolism can be seen hanging from the ears of Becky in this particular cut from Coronation Street. If you look you will see that she has a pair of owls dangling down from her lugs for all to see. Given their Moloch representation it did make me wonder whether they were merely worn for decoration or (“The owls are not what they seem”) are there for the promotion of some occult ‘prop a genda.

  5. Notice the phone number of Street cars taxis - 715 1515 "TIS ISIS"!!
