Sorry about the unforgivable gap between Blog posts but I've been snowed under with work and general living burdens that get in the way of vocations like this.
Still, I've been a busy lad over the last couple of days to try and make up for it.
I was at the Trafford Centre yesterday filming material for the next 'Illuminati Manchester' video, and I think you'll be gob smacked at some of their stuff on show at this Temple to Consumerist Greed. I'll be putting that video together over the next couple of days.
I'm currently uploading a video I've just completed on Chemtrails - so expect that over the next few hours. Just what the Illuminati is up to with these Chemtrails is still open to debate, but I'm firmly in the 'Bastards are Poisoning us' camp. I've posted a couple of photo's here so you can see just what Our Masters have been up to over Manchester...
Happy St Patrick's Day to all you Irish out there (which includes my Girlfriend so I expect I'll be getting plenty of Blarney today...) Hope you have a good one.
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