I can't bring myself to think that Yesterday's banning of Islam4UK by Nu Labour was in any way a good thing. In fact I feel anyone with half a brain who applauds this, is not seeing the bigger picture.
I'm no fan of militant Islam, or any religion for that matter, but I am a huge fan of freedom. Islam4UK or whatever guise they go under, have, in my eyes, an inalienable right to protest and make their views known. If you put restraints on Freedom - You don't have Freedom, period. Just because we disagree with someone doesn't mean we should seek the State to decide who can and can't be allowed to speak or protest. When we allow the State to impose on us who we can, and cannot allow to be heard, then we have lost any semblance of freedom we thought we had.
Remember the old Chinese proverb...'Chains are Chains, no matter their length'.
I'm old enough to remember the Thatcher Government banning the National Front from marching in the early 80s. The old bag also brought in legislation to curb marches and demonstrations, citing the NF as an excuse to so. The Liberal/Left stayed quiet as this draconian legislation was introduced, because it suited their short-term purpose to see the NF stopped. But who was this legislation first used against? It was the Miners and Steel Workers and Print workers, whose industries the Old Lizard wrecked and then threw those same workers on the scrapheap. It was too late to complain then. The law was already in place and the ability to vigorously oppose Thatcher, and her destruction of British Industry and Communities, was severely curtailed.
That's why this shower of Illuminati New Labour yes-men are so eager to Ban Islam4UK. They know when they have precedents like this they will be able to ban any similar groups, foreign or home grown, who may challenge the New World Order and its deeds. But it'll be too late to start complaining then, when we said nothing about their previous proscriptions...because we didn't like what they had to say.
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