Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Obelisk in the Cathedral

I took this photograph in Manchester Cathedral a couple of months ago. The symbolism involved in it is blatant! The Obvious Obelisk Background shows the allegiance of the subject matter. Bottom left we have the Merovingian 'Bee Symbolism' with the Hive. Bottom right we have an Owl - which is a major illuminati 'Canaanite' Deity. The Owl is also another representation of Molloch or Molech, and is a major feature of Bohemian Grove where the bigwigs in the Illuminati meet once a year to scheme and play out their perverted rituals. The Owl symbol alongside children is perhaps a nod to the ritual murder of kids to appease this deity. The seated figure also has one arm in the air and one around a child pointing down...So Above, So Below. Just as the statue of Gladstone in Albert Square.

Considering that Manchester Cathedral is supposedly the Bastion of the Christian Church in Manchester - there's a hell of a lot of Illuminati (and by definition, Satanic) symbolism in this place! I'm thinking of doing a video just on the Cathedral alone...


  1. Hi Sam

    Excellent site, you've obviously put loads of work into it.

    As an idea for a future video why don't you get down to the Trafford Centre.

    Jam-packed with symbolism everywhere.......
    1) Eagles - all round the outer wall (external) of the building
    2) Obelisks - all over the roof. Also inside all the green plants upstairs are shaped into obelisks on the top floor.
    3) Domes - obviously
    4) Lions / Bull statues - on top floor rear entrance
    5) "Swastika" type murals in tiling
    6) "Eternal flame" symbols on top floor (currently the "flame" parts have been removed and replaced by Reindeers for Xmas)

    Also the "new" building that has been built over towards ASDA has a huge obelisk that can be seen from miles away on the M60. When this is lit up at night with the new "Christmas" lights it looks just like an Owl!

    There's probably many more that I've missed. Hope this maybe gives you some ideas for a future film or article.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. You read my mind - I've had this on the back burner and was planning a mission in the new year. The place is like one of their Temples. I don't know if it was just me, but the place has a very oppressive atmosphere - I came away from the place feeling sick. Thanks for the kind comments.

