Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Manchester Cathedral Painting

This Painting is currently taking pride of place in Manchester Cathedral. The thing is replete with symbolism. . . if you know what You're looking for of course. The reason for it taking such prominence in the Cathedral is surely an indictment on so-called religion. Take a while to peruse it, its like looking at that old cartoon 'Where's Wally?'. A few to look out for - The freeing of the Reptile by the Darkside? The Trinity? The Arch? The Dog Star? Saturn? Plus loads more...Have fun.

1 comment:

  1. some very useful information thank you. Is it possible that the reptylians have infested crumpsall council??? Cos I went in and the man had all the movements of a shape shifty lizard demon, Im not messin. I'm not the first person to say this neither
