Monday, 30 November 2009

A True English Hero

A True son of England. The Masters of these Isles may have taken control of, and wrecked this planet, but the ordinary people priviledged to have been born here will save it.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Global Warming

This monumental lie begins to crumble...

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Last Nail in the Coffin...

National sovereignty in Europe - what little is left of it - was condemned to history this week with the signing of the 'Lisbon Treaty' that centralises power in the European Union like never before. The Rubicon has now been crossed and we enter full-blown tyranny.

The final signature to the agreement was that of Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, who had held out as long as he thought was possible. Klaus has been a vehement critic of the Treaty and he well knows what it means for European freedom and national sovereignty and identity. He has also dismissed the belief in human-caused global warming as 'a false myth and every serious person and scientist says so'.

He is clearly a man who can see beyond the end of his nose and the garbage that must be daily put before him by officialdom, but when he swished his pen this week he was well aware that he was effectively signing away all rights for Europeans to decide their own national destiny and handing them to the dark-suits and dark minds in the EU bureaucracy in Brussels, Belgium.

The same is planned for North America, Africa and Asia-Australia-New Zealand and it is good to be streetwise about the methods and techniques employed to seize control of the nation state. What has been done to ensnare Europe is happening now around the world. The basic theme is encapsulated in a single quote 57 years ago by the 'Father of Europe', the Rothschild frontman, Jean Monnet. In the year I was born, he wrote this in a letter to a friend:

'Europe's nations should be guided towards the super-state without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.'

And so it was ...

... This was the week the nation state effectively ended in Europe and a tidal wave of new laws and regulations, long since written and waiting, are about to deluge the countries of Europe when the Lisbon Treaty comes into force in a few weeks.

It has all been planned since at least the 19th century, probably long before that, and lying, cheating and deeply corrupt politicians and bureaucrats have ensured over the last 60 years that the nightmare became fact.

In Europe at least, the game just changed to a whole new phase. Learn the lesson North America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. You are next in line. Don't let them do the same to you. (From the David Icke Newsletter 11/11/09)

Monday, 2 November 2009

Golden Gordon

I'll let David Icke make an excellent final point on the BNP/Nick Griffin/BBC debacle...

I have said many times that what you fight you become and this a wonderful example. The lady talked about the need to silence Griffin and deny him access to the BBC to protect our 'freedom and democracy', as if we actually had freedom and democracy.And this is an important point. If you equate a threat to 'freedom and democracy' with a two-bit party with not a single MP in the British Parliament, then the key understanding is lost - the British Parliament, in league with the European Union, is demolishing the most basic freedoms every day and 'democracy', which has massive flaws, anyway, disappeared long ago - if it ever really existed. The system doesn't need Nick Griffin and the British National Party to destroy freedom, it is doing perfectly well without them, thank-you. I asked the lady, as I ask the other protestors at the BBC decision, if she was campaigning for Tony Blair to be banned from Question Time and other such BBC political programmes.Blair is responsible for the slaughter of more than a million people in Iraq alone (low-side estimate). If the BNP, why not him? Why not ban the British cabinet that supported the manufactured wars of death, destruction and conquest of other peoples' lands? Why not ban Prime Minister Gordon Brown who, with Blair and Clinton, imposed sanctions against Iraq in the 1990s that, even according to UN figures, cost the lives of half a million Iraqi children?Where does it end? Let's ban everyone we don't agree with, shall we? What a world of freedom we would have then. The lady replied to my questions in a blaze of fury and said that she had called for Tony Blair to be tried as a war criminal. But millions of people have done that and it wasn't my question. I asked if she was campaigning for Blair to be banned from the BBC, as she was with Griffin. Answer, no.But why not? Griffin runs a party of overwhelmingly prejudiced and race-obsessed fanatics who want to see people of dark-coloured skin removed from the country, but will never get the chance to do it.Blair blatantly lied to send in 'the boys' to kill and maim millions of dark-coloured innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan and cause horrific birth defects for generations from the spent-uranium in the weapons that were unleashed on the population.Which one is the most dangerous fascist?